$62.00 USD



All payments for Ha'a Hula FOUNDATION, LIFE, and LEGACY courses are final.


By signing up to become a HA’A HULA class participant, I hereby release Andrea Luchese and any other teachers from responsibility for any injuries I may sustain as a result of participation in the programs presented by Andrea Luchese or other teachers of Ha’a Hula. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the programs taught by Andrea Luchese or other Ha’a Hula teachers.

As determined by my healthcare provider and myself, I certify that the level of my physical condition will allow me to safely participate in programs taught on Ha’a Hula.

Not all exercise is suitable for everyone and this or any exercise program could result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain. 

We encourage you to always be conservative when determining your ability to do the exercises offered in HA’A HULA classes. It is your responsibility to review and understand the physical indicators that signal a movement or exercise is not working for your body that day.

If you feel pain, discomfort or dizziness, do not continue until you have checked in with the Teacher and/or your healthcare provider.

The instruction herein is not a substitute for medical attention, examination or diagnosis or treatment. 

I acknowledge that all classes are recorded, and if I choose to be in the video my face will be recorded as part of the class unless I manually de-select the Video setting in my Zoom app or client. The recording will then be available to other HA’A HULA participants to watch via learnhulaonline.com (you'll still be able to access the live class though, don't worry!).

I also understand that testimonials I share in writing may be used, as well as screenshots of lives classes in promotional materials (website, print, email, social media, etc.), unless I specifically communicate that I do NOT give permission to Andrea Luchese or Ha'a Hula to do so.


I understand that if I am actively learning hula from someone else, protocol dictates that I ask for permission from my teacher or kumu before learning from anyone else. I agree to inform Kumu Andrea if I am coming from another halau.

I agree to not teach anyone what I have learned on Ha’a Hula or share any of Ha’a Hula resources with anyone, including video, audio, or documents. This includes sharing on social or other websites or apps. When in doubt, please talk with Kumu Andrea first.

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Ha'a Hula CONNECT Course

Experience the hula glow at home!

This pre-recorded mini-course is designed to give you an introduction to hula basics over four classes. Watch and learn at your own pace and replay the videos as many times as you want.

Online. Together. From the comfort of your home.

Enrolling is easy!

Step 1. Fill out the form above, read and agree to the Terms & Conditions, then complete your purchase!

Step 2. Create a log-in with your email and password (or sign in if you already have one). This gives you instant access to the Ha’a Hula Library, where videos from each class are posted.

Step 3. Look for an email confirmation in your inbox.

Students who complete this course are encouraged to enroll next in our pre-recorded 10-week FOUNDATION course. Students who complete Connect and/or Foundation courses may enroll in Ha'a Hula LIFE, a live Zoom class for ongoing students.

NOTE: This previously-recorded class is from a live Zoom Ha’a Hula CONNECT course that was taught in 2024.